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Thursday, February 18, 2021

Sparkle and Shine - A sweet 3-Year-Old Birthday Photoshoot - Longmont Photographers

Sparkle and Shine!
Our little 3-year-old is just that with the sunshine she brings into this world.  So naturally, we had to create a studio session with just that. 

Maribelle loves to frolic around the house singing songs from Frozen and making up her own version that goes something like: "We use to be best bunnies and now we're not, I wish you would tell me whhhyyyy!"  And it is adorable.  I won't bother correcting her, it's too cute.

She kept us constantly on the move for this session, so why not pull out some fun props while we are at it! A hula hoop?  I love this shiny one we got at Target

We attempted to do a few confetti shots but you really have to do those against a solid color backdrop that is simple and have large confetti, which we did to really have enough contrast.  But we still pulled it out for some added fun and sparkle.  Also, three-year-olds can be instructed again and again how to toss the confetti in the air.... and not do it that way.  So we just moved on to other fun things.  She of course couldn't help but play with it again and again. 

This girl cracks me up.  She is always trying to pop the balloons and I don't know if she has even had much success haha. She is just so little.  But I love this picture and all that is shows.  She is fearless and loves fiercely. 

Baby Shark doo doo, do do do do.... I have to admit, it took me a few years to even look into what the baby shark craze was... but really, I already had memories of doing all that fun at girls camp for skit night... so it didn't seem new to me or anything, just revived.  Anyway, of course, we checked it out eventually and it was a huge hit for Maribelle and she wants to watch the videos again and again and again.  So we HAD to jam Baby Shark on the speakers for fun.  Our family even rocked that for Halloween

I love these little Icecream Parlor chairs.  We have used them for several setups, like tea parties.  Fun fact, these were mine for my little tea party play when I was little.  Ever get asked to play tea party by a 3-year-old?  Say YES!  It is so important to them.  Even for just 5 minutes.  I still remember how loved I felt when someone would take the time to pretend to eat plastic cookies and pour imaginary tea.

Got to play a round of peek-a-boo!  And when those smiles start to go stale and go away, it is time to pull out peek a book, "scare mommy"  and legit act shocked every time.  And she thought that was HILARIOUS. So cute.

Contact Rebecca to setup a custom birthday session today.  We can work with a specific theme, color scheme, and more for your cutie.

Rebecca is located in Longmont, CO. To book or inquire email

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