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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Garden of the Gods Adventure


Recently Matt and I headed down to Colorado Springs for a getaway for my birthday.  We splurged a little and headed to the Broadmore, which has been on my bucket list for a while.  I will share more about our visit there in another post. Anyway, we also planned some fun outdoor time and hit the Garden of God's.  So very cool!  We were here too short of time but enjoyed every second of it.  

As a photographer, I obviously wanted to grab some killer shots while their and we had the perfect moment where the sun was out and wrapping around the rocks just perfectly.  The light reflected off some other white rocks nearby and it was perfect.  Five minutes later and the sun changed up.  Just goes to show to grab the opportunity for something before you miss out!

There is this plaque there.  Apparently, someone used to own all this land with these AMAZING rocks!  And then donated it off.  What a cool thing and too cool not to share with the world. A great gift.

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