Something about traveling home for Thanksgiving and going to see Frozen 2, then on the flight home doing games in a Worduku book with facts about the Native Americans has got me thinking about the trip we went on in the spring to the Roanoke Island Festival Park Museum in North Carolina. We got to step onto a replica ship and it was all very fun, hands-on for the kids.

Actors sit about to crew the ship and tell you about it in character. Unless they found a time machine and these guys are legit haha.

Making dinner with kids whining and being wild at my feet is hard enough, try adding a swaying ship! Wonder if they didn't have to stir the soup as much?

A little treasure hunting fun for the kinds.

Some of the marine knots often used.

After we explored around the ship we went back on a trail through the trees to a blacksmith shop and the kids all got a turn to try out a woodworking station too.

Some of the wood pegs they were making as part of the wood demonstration for chair legs, table legs etc.

The boys had fun trying out the armor. Milo's shield was his casted arm! LOOK OUT! haha.

Some of the wood pegs they were making as part of the wood demonstration for chair legs, table legs etc.

The boys had fun trying out the armor. Milo's shield was his casted arm! LOOK OUT! haha.

We let the kids put us in "time out" and they thought that was pretty awesome.
Is it funny I look at these wood bowls and think more about them as a newborn photography prop? I have one similar. Complete with the crack on the side.

Then there were the longhouses constructed by the Native Americans.

Some examples of a dance circle where the natives would come together from surrounding areas in celebration, victories and religious rituals.

We spent so much time exploring the island we were rushed getting back to the indoor adventure museum part so that was very rushed before they closed. We could have spent 30 minutes more in there at least.

I love looking at old maps! The artistry is beautiful to me.

More fun dress up and hands on play.

After the museum, we walked in the quaint little town of Mateo across the bridge and went for dinner. A happy family day well spent.

Maybe one day I will do pictures with a pair of love birds in this little area of Mateo.

For dinner, we went to Ortegez Southwestern Grill. This was a second time here we had previous gone on another trip with some of our college friends. It was delicious.