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Sunday, November 15, 2015

A post from the past : Italy

There are so very many grand adventures that my husband Matt and I have been on and I have been so busy with life period to post about them.  Which is good and bad I guess.  So I am starting a series of blog posts: "Posts from the Past" In 2011, we went to Italy for our 6 year anniversary.  It was in the fall and it was perfect.

Arriving in Tuscany that first night, jet lagged and tired, we still kept ourselves awake to drive the small winding roads in a awesome little European car through pouring rain to a little village where together we had one of the most amazing meals of our lives.  I mean, yes, we had just had the airplane meals to contrast it but I still give full credit to the most amazing pear and butternut squash.  Everything was so fresh and had the perfect touch.  Food is about %80 or more of what make a vacation for me, so I was in heaven with the best company.

Matt blew me away at studying maps in advance and even learning a little Italian to get us around the county.  I was seriously so impressed.  Who IS this guy:)

We spent a little under two weeks traveling around Tuscany and Rome.  Soaking in the sites and sounds and smells and tastes.  And developing our culture and love for the arts.

Check out more pictures from our adventure here:

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