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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Mother and Daughter | Family Photographers in Northern Colorado

Was talking with my mom tonight about being a mom and how quickly the time goes. Right now my youngest is driving his car around excited talking about it in 18 month old gibberish. You know, the sing songy kind of squealy talk.

"Mothers hold their child's hand for a moment and hearts for a lifetime." - Unknown

And not to forget that "The days are long but the years go fast."  A few favorite motherhood quotes. Sometimes you just have to pause and play cars making your "brum brum" noises.

These are just a few favorites from a session I did over the summer in Fort Collins, CO with Noelle and her daughter at the Raptor Observatory. Sounds so Jurassic Park doesn't it? It has such a pretty grand view of the foothills and mountain doesn't it? And if you look closely you can even see Horsetooth.  Noelle's blue blouse matched the wild flowers perfectly.  I take full credit. J/K.  Thanks mother nature.

Also, be sure to check out my latest project! A new Youtube channel just for moms and it is all about the fun of motherhood. Check it out here.

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